Monday, March 16, 2009

A Pay It Forward Moment

On the way home from my doctor's appointment this afternoon I observed a very simple but profound moment; a pay it forward moment, if you will.

Slowly making their way down the sidewalk was an elderly, unkempt, African American couple pushing a shopping cart loaded down with the bottle and cans they had gathered along their journey. Suddenly, a brand new car pulled up beside them and a Caucasian teenager with spiked green hair got out. He went around to the back of the car and opened the trunk.

Reaching inside the car he pulled out several large trash bags filled with bottle and cans, took them over to the couple and tied them securely to the cart. They exchanged a few words but the smiles on the faces of the couple remained after the young man had driven away.

Watching the interaction of these people who will probably never see one another again really touched my heart. The young gifter had gone out of his way to save throw away items and then made an effort to find someone whose lives demanded the collection of these precious items for their livelihood.

A quick moment. A simple act. Makes me want to go do something good!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

I Heard A Sermon The Other Day

I heard a sermon the other day that made me lie awake when I went to bed.

When someone is surrounded by a fire, all they can think of is how wonderful a drop of water would be. But, nobody is there to provide it in spite of the fact that buckets full of the wonderful liquid is all around, just out of reach.

When a person is not a Christian (or not living a Christ like life) it is as if he is surrounded by a fire that will eventually consume him. All he needs is someone to offer him the drop of water that is the gospel, but nobody is there to provide it in spite of the fact that Christians surround him, just out of reach.

I thought about this simple message all day. Then, when I laid down and closed my eyes an image popped up. I saw family members, coworkers, students and people I did not know standing in a field surrounded by a fire. Each of them were looking into my eyes saying, " You were my mother, friend, mentor or neighbor and you never once offered me a simple drop."

If you are reading this, please take a minute to reflect on the fact that God loves you and wants you call on Him for guidance, love and salvation. If you are at a place that needs repentance, He is there with open arms. It is impossible to understand His great love and power, but I know He has a plan for us and He wants us to return to Him someday. He sent His son, Jesus Christ to make that possible.

By posting this, I am attempting to offer you the drop that may get you back on track, or even change your life. If you need to talk or learn more, please call or post your concerns and I will get back with you. God bless.

Ray's Last Banquet

The end of another wrestling season has arrived and last night was the annual wrestling banquet to recognize and honor the athletes, their families and all those who helped make the year a success. The event was well attended, filling the room to capacity.

After the meal, the wrestlers presented their mothers, grandmothers, or "mother figure" a flower to show their love and appreciation. Then the boys lined up at the front of the room and one by one the coaches told a little bit about each one and related a story concerning their interaction with them throughout the year. This was followed by the customary plaques, awards and photo sessions.

At the conclusion of the presentations, Coach Boyd announced Ray's upcoming retirement and expressed his love and appreciation for everything he has done for kids over the past 38+ years in which he taught and coached teenagers. He presented Ray with a beautiful plaque and a parent gave him a little bear wearing an AVHS letterman's jacket. As Ray accepted these gifts, there was a tearful standing ovation.

When everyone was seated once again, all the wrestlers made their way to Ray and circled around him. Several of them took the microphone and expressed their feelings then the team captain said, " One last time, on Coach!" and they placed their hands on him, saying, "Devils on 3! 1-2-3, DEVILS!" After handshakes, hugs and a lot of nose blowing we were reminded of that saying : You should retire when people are still sad to see you go.